Sunday, 14 December 2008

A life before

December usually presents itself as an excuse for partying and the gathering of old friends.  So despite being a SAHM (stay at home mum) for almost a year now, I was really surprised to receive a few invites for celebrations with ex-colleagues and ex-employers.  So it was with great glee (read: a legit excuse to get out of daily kiddie dinner-bath-bed routine), that I R.S.V.P. ed, "yey!"

Now, on some bad days where both kiddies are whinging, the Baby is a permanent klingon to my hip and the Toddler is throwing tantrums seemingly at the drop of a hat (or toy, most likely) for no good reason other than to wind Mummy up, I sometimes yearn for the "peace and quiet" of the office environment, where I can just put my head down and work on whatever the latest, most urgent, demanding thing is with a warm drink and not be disturbed for hours if needs be.  

But at tonight's gathering, I realised what I missed most about working at this particular company.  It was being surrounded by young, truly talented, intelligent, hard working individuals who really believed (at that time) in what we were trying to achieve.  A truly inspiring time.  I'm sure things didn't pan out the way we had envisioned for a lot us, but there were a few who remain highly successful and respected in their chosen paths to date.  

Looking across the recognisable faces in the room last night, why were some more outstanding than others?  It wasn't necessarily the cleverest ones, or the ones who toiled the longest hours, it was the ones who were the most connected, resilient, thick skinned and socially charming.  Now, how do I teach that to my children??

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