Friday, 30 January 2009

Bedtime stories

It seems little O has (thankfully) managed to get back into the routine of settling himself to sleep.   Now when we put him down in his cot, we give him his security thingy (one of several dozen muslin cloths we have), which he promptly rubs his face with and Samuel (a teddy bear we bought O for his birthday).  Then we leave him "chatting" and chewing on Samuel's nose as we bow out gratefully from the room.  All credit goes to Samuel.  

So last night, when Hubby was dressing A for bed after her bath, she asked, "Where's A's Samuel?".  Hubby then pointed out her array of soft toys on the bed and said, "You don't need a Samuel because you have a lot of toys already.  You can always give them names you know".  

A picked her raggedy teddy and declared, "This is Samuel".  

"Samuel is the name of O's bear bear, why don't you choose another name?"  A puts on her thinking face.  After a while, Hubby suggests, "How about Daniel?" which always guarantees an eruption of giggles from A (because that is the name of her classmate crush).  Feeling inspired, she then went onto to name the other 3 toys on her bed after her favourite friends.  Then she picked up the giraffe and named him "Zac Effron".  

The giraffe has always been her least favourite amongst the soft toys on her bed, that's the one she tries to palm off onto O whenever he's playing there.  But last night before her Dad left the room, she had it squished under her arm and declared, "A sleep with Zac Effron tonight!".  Sure enough, when I checked a few hours later, Zac was still there.  If only they remain this innocent forever.  

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