Friday, 23 January 2009

Happy Birthday O

I'm still feeling emotional that you turned 1 yesterday.  You can't see the emotion on my face, but inside it's churning and churning.  It's a mixture of disbelief (that this year has flown by so quickly), sadness (because you are growing up so fast), relief (because you do not seem to be plagued by vomit inducing illnesses anymore), throw in some physical and mental tiredness and you'll get an idea of what a mess I am at the moment.  

I hope you had a good day yesterday.  It started in the morning with me, Dad and Sister serenading you with "Happy Birthday" as you looked on delightedly from your cot.  After your Sister came home from school, we all piled into the car and headed off to Playtown at The Westwood.   

Me and your Dad decided against going out and celebrating with a nice meal somewhere because this won't have been too enjoyable for you and A.  So we thought a few hours crawling, stumbling around colourful padded things, shoving new toys in your mouth might be more your thing.  You would have probably enjoyed it more if your Sister had actually let you sleep longer in the car.  If only we could stop her screaming, alas there was not much we could do all strapped in with our seatbelts.  

Playtown is a great place for little energy bunnies and we can't wait for the day when the both of you are old enough for us to just leave you to it there, whilst we sit on the couch and chill with some magazines.  But for now, it's ok for us to act us bodyguards against older excitable children and to rescue you when you are drowning in the ball pit.  

Your Sister, does love you to bits.  She has done so from the moment we brought you home. She does tend to get over enthusiastic with her affections towards you and often you scream longingly at me to help get her off.  Which of course makes her want to hug/ squash you even more.  I love the way she can be counted on to bring you a selection of toys when she sees you sit down for meal.  If you throw or drop things from your highchair, she will come by, pick them up and then reprimand you gently for being "naughty".  It is very cute to watch, but also a reminder to myself to think of what I say and do seriously, because I am being imitated on a daily basis. She has scolded you in the past, using words I had used to scold her.  It's very strange to hear a 2 year old speak like that.  

This past year of staying at home is and has probably been the happiest in my life. Nothing can compare to it.  The enormous guilt I felt having to return to work full time after having A, still hangs over me because I know I can never ever get that time back with her.  But this past year has been super in terms of spoiling both of you with my time.  However, this doesn't mean that feelings of guilt are completely banished.  (An entirely separate post altogether).  

The family dinner ended with the candle blowing (helped by your Sister) and the cake cutting - which you did expertly with the plastic knife and could not get enough of, by wielding it around and trying to stab at the cake a few more times before we wrestled it from your strong tiny fingers. I suppose this is better than putting your shoe in it (another cake) like last Saturday in the presence of your Grandparents.  

The opening of presents swiftly followed and of course, like most small children you actually found the packaging more fun than the gift.  Which was good for A, because then she got to play with all the presents.  

Happy Birthday my sweets, I hope you love me as much as I love you because then I'll be the best loved mum in the world ha ha.  I had been cuddling and kissing you extra extra some yesterday that you definitely smelt funnier by bathtime, I just couldn't help it.  

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